Friday, November 19, 2004

Black Magic = Love?

A few days back, I had a chat with my friends where the topic of relationships came up. Before we discuss this, let me ask you, do you believe in black magic? If you are in love, then you must have been through the ‘black magic’ stage in a relationship. Have you ever encountered black magic before? You wonder about this as you read this....

Most couples consider the stages before the start of a romantic relationship as the “black magic’ stage because when you are attracted to someone, you tend to have the following symptoms; you miss your partner, think about her/him day and night, ignore your priorities, and are willing to do anything for her/him. You are totally obsessed with him/her and you do not know what you are doing anymore. In the past, we have heard people saying the phrase ‘Love is Blind’, but why? Perhaps black magic has blinded-folded his/her eyes.

Rational human beings are believed to have the ability to cope with relationships without being easily carried away by the moment. If you are rational enough to think of what is right or wrong, then you are immune from black magic. However, it is believed that black magic leads to romantic relationships and without it, a relationship remains dry and without passion. Therefore, nothing is perfect; you can only choose either one.
There are also cases in relationships when you know you are wrong but you still insist on doing what is wrong, People say ‘Love is Blind’, and that this is the power of black magic/ love. These incidents happen occasionally in our life and we realize that without being ‘wrong’ sometimes, our relationships are like empty tins – without meaning.

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