Sunday, September 17, 2006

Prince: Week of Learning...

18 September 2006
you are the key…

“The real key to your influence with me is your example, your actual conduct, your actual conduct. Your example flows naturally out of your character, or the kind of person you truly are – not what others say you are or what you may want me to think you are. It is evident in how I actually experience you” – Stephen Covey

It doesn’t matter of how others see you, talk about you or paint you good or bad; it is about how you behave; your character that flows from inside-out could overturn the whole story if you are totally at the opposite of the claim.


17 September 2006
Don’t Chase after Poisonous Snake…

“We have such an intention to rush in, to fix things up with good advice. But we often fail to take the time to diagnose, to really deeply understand the problem first.” – Stephen Covey

“Chasing after the poisonous snake that bites us will only drive the poison through our entire system.” – Stephen Covey

How many of us have ever considered a mistake as ‘my mistake’?
How many of us have ever admitted to a mistake as ‘my mistake’?
If you are not even considering or thinking about it, then you will never even admit it.

We tend to blame a mistake on others rather than sit-down quietly to retrospect.
The more often we do so, the more deeply we are being ‘poisoned’


16 September 2006
Fulfilling promise is building commitment…

“We can make a promise and keep it, or we can set a goal and work to achieve it. As we make and keep commitment, even small commitments, we begin to establish an inner integrity that gives us the awareness of self-control and the courage and strength to accept more of the responsibility for our own lives.” – Stephen Covey

Do you know what you want in life? We must always clear of what we want in life so that we are not running around the bush looking for something that we don’t even know. Your direction in life is a manifestation of your commitment in life; by keeping it manifests your will in achieving it; your ‘will’ to achieve it manifest the strength of your inner integrity; achievement is a manifestation of your persistency which is correlated to self-control from deviation.


15 September 2006
Are you awake…?

“Management is doing things right; leaderships doing the right things. Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” – Stephen Covey

We have too many to see with only two eyes
We have too many to complete with only two hands
We have too many to think with only one brain
We have too many to learn with only life-time duration.

We need to ensure our resources are fully utilized for a greater impact, and ‘staying-awake’ is the key factor of success.

Climbing the ladder is the easiest way in our life; and often, we are indulge in the setting of our environment that we forgo certain important prospect, such as, we forget to ask ourselves ‘If we are climbing the correct ladder?’ or ‘Is the ladder leaning against the right wall?’

Are you awake?


14 September 2006
Compensation is not enough…?

“Many people seem to think that success in one area can compensate for failure in other areas of life. But can it really? Can success in your profession compensate for a broken marriage, ruined health, or weakness in personal character?” – Stephen Covey

Many of us are still living in the darkness of paradigm to foster the inner selfishness.
How many of us realize the important of ‘some other things in life’?
Similarly, you can earn as much money as you could to compensate a spoiled daughter / son to becoming even a wastrel. Career & Money are interrelated, and are important but they are not everything…at the end of the day, you will be surrounded with repentant gold.


13 September 2006
Can’t let go sometimes…?

“If you value relationship and the issue isn’t really that important, you may want to go for Lose/Win in some circumstances to genuinely affirm the other person. What I want isn’t as important to see as my relationship with you. Let’s do it your way this time”. Win/Lose is not viable because, although I appear to win in a confrontation with you, your feelings, your attitudes towards me and our relationship have been affected.” – Stephen Covey

I keep quiet in times of need as I speak only when I must.
I fall without defend in time of need as I defend myself only when I must
I lose in time of need as I win only when I must
I do all the above in time of need as I try to create trust in relationship

I give in to others when I duly consider the matter isn’t as important as relationship
I give in to others when I duly consider the matter will lead to the same outcome when either choice is taken

I personally practice all the above as I believe it isn’t matter to give in sometimes.

A Chinese proverb once taught me, “If your enemy is to inflict harm on you as you know no harm could have done on you by his/her act- Let your enemy win. If your enemy is to inflict harm on you as you know you will be killed by his/her act – Defend to the last breathe”


12 September 2006
Lay all on the table…?

“We are open. We put our cards on the table……We are both committed to try to understand each other’s point of view deeply and to work together for the third alternative, the synergistic solution that will be a better answer for both of us.” – Stephen Covey

We need to posses certain degree of acceptance before we encourage openness. We must fully utilize our acceptance level, and expand it so as openness can expand wide in our daily communication for a better understanding.

I am a person who is always open to comment, yet certain comment is bent from emotionally biased, and can be hard to accept. But I accept it with truthfulness because I believe, there got to be a reason for the biasness to occur where my point of improvements lay.

‘There are four basic kinds of consequences that management or parents can control as reward & penalties; Financial, Psychic, Opportunity & Responsibility.’ – Stephen Covey

Parent of many children or boss with many employees can utilize the four elements to ensure a better way of management; however, as I can foresee, it could lead to catastrophe if the four elements are not utilize properly, in a balance & fair mode.


11 September 2006
Scarcity Mentality…?

“Most People are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else. The Scarcity Mentality is the Zero Sum paradigm of life.” – Stephen Covey

It is truly depend on how you tend to perceive your environment, and the value you place on each items in life. To become No.1 & to become a straight A student may sound similar but being perceive differently by each individual, each individual racing towards to same direction using the different way.

To become No.1, you have to eliminate the rest and stand alone at the end of the day; But to become a straight A student, you will have to work with others straight A student to learn from each others, to share with each others.

I have always preferred the latter because I prefer to be in a team.


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