Saturday, March 03, 2007

Prince: The Vision...

I have always have vision, and I have always hated it the most. It is hard to discern truthfulness of it but it does come in handy sometime. I am quite ambivalent now, should I take it or leave it; I have to believe in it if I am to take it or vice versa.

Chinese defines it as ‘fortune telling’, other regards it as superstitious; when others regard it as extra ordinary skills, and the others would regard it as Devilish Deception. When the others regard it as a gift of god, others would regard it as ghostly deception; who is right, who is wrong, depends on your definition. Human are selfish especially when preying on religion to protect their interest, they tend to give you a definition so that you would live believing it, for me, I define it myself so that I live with integrity and honesty…

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