Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Prince: The Culture...

Employees are the pillars of the company, and yet employees are the one to ruin the pillars at last; painstaking employees working hard to achieve something, yet alas being eaten away by the less conducive working environment under the culture built by the pretentious & arrogant top management who ultimately claim to give the best for the company!

The Company -- The people -- the management -- the culture -- the people

The culture of the company is mould largely by the attitude of the leaders, and supported or against by the people below the leaders. If the leaders are stubborn & aggressive, the culture is thus require many red tapes and procedure; If the leaders are those kinds, and friendly, the culture is thus freedom of speaking, and rebellious. If the leaders are those gregarious and down to earth, the culture is spinning around family value and great deal of forgiven.

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