Monday, March 14, 2005

Prince with HiS SOul...

The night is burning his soul, hovering over the room. Prince sit close to his “baby”, typing out his dilemma, stress and pressure that have already filled up to his top, breathless he feels.

Prince finally finished his reading that has been delayed, feeling release while reveling in rap music, but, there is a lot more to come. He has to prepare a branding proposal and execution plan to present to his new king.

It is an arduous task to build a kingdom, Prince feels a strong responsibility and commitment towards his new king, he knows if he is able to bring a significance change with much benefit yet different, would certainly help him to excel better in a new environment. He is looking forward to the day.

Prince looks at the ton of paper work, pestered by the due date, he feels for a change. Perhaps, Prince needs a change that may only come in a few years time.

Prince has lost himself in the journey to the summit. His world consists of the dark side, simply a brighter side, and the world that flowered with red rose and aroma. Prince travels through every dimension in his life, and starts to miss the dark world. He keeps himself from fallen angel, who is awaiting him somewhere, someplace at sometimes. Prince also receives invitation to cupid party, to be given the arrow of honor that he may have missed for some times.

In a trice, scenes of his experience flashing through in his mind unveiling his past, feeling like a movie preview. He realizes he has a dual personality, no, not just dual, but, a multi-personality. Prince feels comfort because he is able to safe keep his virtuous, honest, decent yet outspoken personality, and treating everyone with sincerity, though, he may have carried away by fallen angel.

Prince starts to feel annoyance with the non-stop chiming of his cellular phone from ‘Princess M’, distracting his concentration, even his though feels restless. His memory flashes back to the time of his met up with ‘Princess M’ in a castle nearby, during a hang-out session.

Thanks to his best comrade- The Rush Man of The Year – who unintentionally did the talking, hinting, and pushing. Somehow, Prince does not feel right now, and believe it, Prince knows exactly what he has to do next, certainly without hurting any party.

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