Thursday, November 24, 2005

Prince: The Notion at that moment...

Every human being will has that little notion in them during decision making process. Most importantly, you are not being controlled by your notion at that moment. As far as anyone of you should know that, when you are being pulled into your very own situation, a notion is then created. That notion will lead you into straight line without being able to consider the environment further or perhaps, to look in other perspectives. In that situation, there’s a high possibility that character deviation may occur, and that lead you into another personality pathway.

Presumably, the occurrence in the surrounding/environment should therefore mould the necessary thinking of a person at that particular time where it deems to fit the need of that environmental condition. However, it will also lead to ‘Extreme Thinking’, which is a simulated of the thinking itself that it fits the environment needs. When this happens, the environment has already taking control of your thought, instead of you changing the environment itself. To remain at the elite position, one must always believe in their ability to shape the environment, not on the opposite.

An example, the environment or your condition may force you to believe that Notion A is the only way to change, and your belief (physically and mindset), will eventually move toward that notion. In this circumstance, you are being shaped by the environment. Meanwhile, if you believe that Notion A is not the call, then with your ability to shape the environment, you will introduce Notion C (combination of A & B), considering any other possibly way by looking at different perspective.

The occurrence of character deviation will help to set your objective in accordance to your notion at that moment, and narrows your thought towards the objective itself. It makes you believe that only achieving what you think you should be achieving, can help to change your situation/condition. Increasing pressure from the environment will only aggravate the condition towards extreme behavior.

Environment changes will lead to extreme behavior, where it either goes beyond the degree or below the line. Human being, who goes through the said condition in their own life will first, suffers the collapse of self-confidence. Some will stay at the circumstance for a long period before they are able to rise again. The collapse is because their egoism spirit is struck with despise, which may lead to high self-conscious and low self-esteem. If the spirit of self-conscious does not occur, then the period of collapse will be longer until self-conscious is created.

Once they are able to get over it, a second stage will start to take place, where they will evaluate their failures and set an objective in life, but at this particular junction, they will mostly likely being affected by their cognitive experience in setting their objective.

At this particular stage, is a junction where they may be over-confident in believing that they are doing the right job; but in fact, it is a simulated thought that is mostly likely being controlled by circumstance. You tend to notice aggressiveness in their character, leading to stubbornness (same saying when people claims love is blind).

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