Sunday, April 03, 2005

Prince in IMAX

Have you ever heard about “Image Maximum”? Yes, prince gets to try the 5 to 8 storey tall screen cinema today in Time Square! Memory recalls, he hasn’t been into Cinema for almost one year, and IMAX was really an experience for him.

The movie- Robot seems so real in the cinema, it seems to bring you into the movie. Watching the comedy with princess and group of other friends were an interesting hang out, although, tiredness called during the moment.

Unfortunately, it was a 2 D movie, it would be better if it is 3-D, prince believes it would make it even more exciting. Perhaps, next week, prince should try it one more time for the 3-D effect.

In the cinema, people laughed their way out, a comedy that really caught all of us in laughter. Anyone who feels depressed for the moment may want to try out a comedy, to cheer your life for a little while, dumping unhappiness and worry aside…and Robot may be a good one, but must try it once in Imax…

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