Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Prince Princess Arguement...

From nowhere on earth, and wonders how the hell it comes to prince, an argument sparks off between prince and princess, originated from a small miscommunication that no one is able to exert their rationality except prince!

That was suppose to be a small issue, somehow, blew it up to a big issue that even involves prince and princess. Somehow, it shattered prince and princess, making their relationship doubtful again.

Prince does not want to relate it all over again but to give a scenario about different way of thinking and making thing happen. Prince gives an example, if a beggar approaches A & B for money, out of sympathy, A would like to offer a small token, however, B insists that giving out money is not accessible because it won’t help the beggar, instead, B is willing to help the beggar to help himself by getting the beggar a job.

A & B starts an argument, A blames B for not giving out money, for not being kind, meanwhile, B blames A for not being rational. The bottom line is, both are performing good deed in deed. Somehow, B realizes that each individual has its own way of judging, and does not blame A anymore, but A just can’t seem to give up the thought, and lingering with the argument and feels unhappy for the issue.

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