Saturday, April 30, 2005

Prince of thought...

Have you ever wonder why human being is so vulnerable emotionally?
And it sometimes has to do with what you think (your mindset).

If you think a job is tough, and it shall be hard for you,
If you think your life is suck, it shall be awful for you,
If you think you are the worse, you shall feel unpleasant,
If you think of happiness, you shall be blessed,
If you think you can not survive long, you shall live short,
If you think your relationship isn’t going anywhere, it shall be tormenting,
If you think your marriage is sorrow, you are misery.

If you want well, you may just have to be optimistic sometimes,
Who knows, god mercy, may endow you a pool of luck or a ticker, shall be blessed at the end.

Meanwhile, Decision needs deep pondering, and needs unfadable persistency in supporting the progress. Human being changes sometimes, but like the prince has always said, “Changes in me has made me grow into betterment, but my belief and persistency have never changed throughout the progress, though, I never give up changing myself towards betterment, I never give up uphold my self-belief and persistency.” Prince has rather named it the principle of changing, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd US President ever mentioned, “Rules are not necessarily sacred; principles are.”

Again, no one is right or wrong, but rather, it is how you judge it, and where you want to stand and sacrifice. But every move that a human-being made, created impact and consequences which spread widely to others……sometimes that is the nature of human creature, and this is what make human unique………………………………

FROM- De Distinct & Unambiguous Prince of Thought

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