Sunday, July 03, 2005

Prince defines HOPE...

‘Hope’ equals to chance, and it is a feeling of trust, or feeling of expectation, however, no one can define hope correctly, due to their lack of self-confidence, and thus, creating a self-hindrance.

Hope creates the fundamental effect on human being (the receiver), which will motivate them to work better and harder. Meanwhile, the people who give the hope must not try to fail the receiver because receiver will be thrown with disappointment, and lost faith on the hope giver.

Hope doesn’t come true that often, but people still putting hope or giving out hope to people around, the reason why is, very much rely on the objective of hope givers. A hope that does not come true will certainly hurt to receivers but at least they know they hope for the best, furthermore, they will not blame the givers if the givers, try their ever best to make the hope comes true!

Prince is sad to see the lack of self-confidence of the givers, the giver doesn’t dare to give hope because she afraid hopes may not come true, and she thought it would be better to give the hope when everything is already ‘true’. If the hope of every human being becomes a reality, then hope has lost its meaning, because they will not spend their effort to make their hope comes true, either from the receiver or givers!

Prince is sad to see how giver was bound by their responsibility which controls their thought. The philosophy of hope is very simple, you give hope but you know that not every hope come true, it is just like dream. However, to ensure that the receivers understand that hope ‘may not’ come true, you need continuous reinforcement. This is because hope may have only one definition, but different human being may define hope differently due to own personal value. Meanwhile, the integrity of the giver is very important as well, because they needs to ensure that they do their best to make hope come true. The reason is because if hope doesn’t come true, and receiver will not be happy to find out that the giver doesn’t spend enough effort.

A hope that comes true all the time is not a hope!

Hope giver gives hope without spending effort for realization is a hypocrite!

Human being that doesn’t dare to give hope is over-bound by the human cycle in life, and certainly has less drive to achieve that particular hope!

Human being who lives with integrity, gives hope, will spend double effort to realize the hope, even he/she fails, and he/she deserves NO contempt!

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