Saturday, November 19, 2005

Prince: Old Value and New Value...

A normal perception of angel and devil is always between the good and bad, because they were influenced by the historical process of continuously molding of this particular belief.

You will believe that devil is good if the history tells you it is a good one. If the old one wrote down in the book, imparting you the knowledge or value by telling you that devil is good; from generation to generation it carries down, which will eventually mould the perception of people.

Human being are always bound by the traditional value which set them apart from the shirting trend in society, they are unable to catch up because they are tight down by the strong value. No doubt, strong moral value is important to uphold your personal ethical but if it moves on to a stage where creating superstitious, then it is inappropriate.

Why can’t devil become an angel? There’s a proverb in Buddhist, which he can still remember, ‘put down your sword, and become a god’, simply telling people to be kind. It doesn’t matter if you believe in god or not, as long as you are able to be ‘kind’ and perform good deed, you will be deemed as a good person. It doesn’t matter if you have faith in god, but as long as you have faith in yourself to release your own sin and take a new life-path; you will ultimately become a new born person who is able to carry good deed.

Come back to the history, there’s a proverb in Buddhist bible, where they asked people to kill ‘Red-Hair-Dude’, as the bible describes them as devil. If you research deeply, the bible was written long time ago, and during that particular time, China & India were being oppressed by the western country, and thus, they considered them as devil. They put down in the bible that those ‘Red-Hair’ fellows are devil and should be punished. Somehow, the bible carries down to 21st century for the current devotees to read and adhere to.

All you got to know is that, most religion has been written and re-written their script to match the society need and to protect their stand in the society, while keeping the faith of their followers, while some religion may have just followed the same old bible as the old time. Both are not encouraged because it may wrongly impart hostility and superstitious, either towards their own people or towards other religion, which forgo rationality as a whole.

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