Sunday, May 01, 2005

Prince in EXPANDA...

Prince went to Expanda tonight, spending a few hours in Expanda while waiting for the birthday girl to appear. Apparently, there was some miscommunication about the date of celebration, the group of around 12 people thought that it was tomorrow! Anyhow, Mr. Logas settled the miscommunication, and they came finally, arriving at 12.30am. Prince thought everything was being solved, but ironically, some 4 of her friends were underage! Usually, ages don’t really matter much, somehow, the kids just want to have fun, but the bouncer seems to trouble the group. The excuse was that there was a police raid tonight, and a few clubs have been raided, Passion, Rum Jungle & Thai Club, they were just afraid that the cops may drop by just for the fun of it! Prince sometimes wonders what the fuck is wrong with the cops; they raided the places just because a Dato’s son was beaten up by a bouncer last night! And the fault may just lay on the Dato’s son who acted arrogant and LCLY, who knows! Different Social status always gives some people first priority that deprived of others’ right!

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