Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Prince thought about Elite human...

What is life all about when a 23 year old lady (prince assistance) trying to argument about life. Prince has a different approach to life that no other can understand about. Prince philosophy in life is pretty much simple- ‘Sacrifice’, certainly extend of sacrifice is based on own thought. Prince dreams and chasing after wealth, because he believes that he can help a lot of people especially his relative if he is wealthy, however, wealth as defined by Prince is not simply rich, it is really rich, and in order to help other, you need to be willing to give out.

What prince really find argument childish because of her thought as being rich can lead to many bad consequences, such as divorce, lonely, sad and leading a tough life for being rich. Certainly, through principle of causation, prince can basically establish a cause for these types of mindset, but what make prince feels offensive because she was basically being hindered by her own thought barrier again. She did not try to understand the situation fully, and makes her judgment fast and quick.

Prince realizes these are the flaws of being rich, and have study thoroughly that why rich people can be so stingy, lonely, leading to divorce cases, and eventually give people a thought of tough to live through richness.

Prince does not really like to give a thorough theoretical explanation because it will take the whole day writing, however, Prince will give some scenario and example, Have you seen any rich people around you? And if you have, let’s say your uncle or any relatives, how much do they donate to charity every year and guess the percentage of money donated as compare to their wealth. This will help you to realize why some people say, rich equals to stingy.

Meanwhile, if you really looking at what they own, car, mansion, and many others, then, comparing them with their relatives, friends and others, it helps you to evaluate how lonely they are, and what is the level of give and take they can embrace.

Eventually, looking at the type of life they leads as a couple-Husband and wife, is the wife sticky and selfish? Meanwhile, is the husband a play boy and untrustworthy? Do they really love each other? Entertainment is part of the business life, and no one can run away from that, but how you manage your entertainment is very important because if you go above the borders, may breach the tolerance level of the others parties, who can be your friends, wife especially and relatives. This is when all the divorce cases and disaster kick starts. But bear in mind that every human being has each own level of tolerance, and thus, you can not justify an issue base on your own tolerance level (this is what has happen in argument, thus making them feel sad for princess in future!)

It is important for people who chase after richness to understand the above, thus, help you to uphold your integrity and believe. For prince, sacrifice is part of his life, and prince is willing to sacrifice his own time to make other a better life, just like how much prince trying to impart his knowledge to his assistant, but wasn’t taken seriously eventually due to her own knowledge and thought barrier.

How you think show how elite you are in life, every human being command the common mistake, at which they think, see and hear only the surface. For example, they look a one incident that causes many deaths as a teaching; instead the incident should teach you or brighten you that death is really part of living.


Statement A: - “The death of people tells us the power of nature, and death is part of the nature, hiding in our living process, no one can run away from it”

Statement B: - “The death of people tells us to appreciate every moment you have, till your death”

The 2 statement above, in fact, feel for the death, but the second one is straight forward, meanwhile, the first one touching the point. 2 statements are originating from the same feels, but may leads to different consequences. People who views death as part of lives, will still appreciate life, and they tends to accept the fact of a death. However, the second statement tells us, that human who believe only in that, only learn the surface of death from incident, and that they will appreciate life, but they still bound by the fear of death!

Prince hopes he explains the elite thought of human being should embrace. Prince believes elites thought, is when people are able to think a few step ahead of others. When other think of ‘appreciating the moment’, you are already thinking of ‘death is part of our life’.

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