Saturday, October 29, 2005

Prince: Carrefour Explanade..

Standing in the middle of hypermarket, you tend to notice the norm of the society, or perhaps, the disease of the society. The advancement of society has created many problems, psychologically embedded in human kind.

He saw, a beautiful lady couples with a ‘below-normal-look’ man, and yet, she is so reluctant to hold his hand. She walked before him, as if she doesn’t know him. But when they successfully get rid of public attention, they walk closely together and chat happily. It reflects the inner problem of the lady.

The shop besides his booth is selling amplifier and TV. To attract public attention, they played the movie- House of Wax! Ironically, they did manage to attract public attention- those children seem to be more attracted to it, watching the gruesome and brutality of the movie!

Those shoppers who has notice them, will quickly walked away from them, just to avoid receiving flyers. They are scared of flyers! Or people who distribute flyers, what the hell is wrong with them...

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