Monday, October 31, 2005

Prince: Un-Justifiable Experience...

The blog seems to be the only way for him to release his negative feeling. Perhaps, it is true that blogging is a therapy.

This morning, principal called for a meeting, the conversation is as below: (Fion, Fern, May, Ai Na and Him)

‘I asked May to join us because I want her to witness what I have told you all’, she said.

‘I want to let you all know that what suppose to give to the parent during enquiry time and what NOT suppose to give’, she added.

She continued by looking at him, ‘Steve, I have told you many times that the registration form was not suppose to give to parent, first of all, if they are spy, they will look through our registration form to find our flaw, second of all, if they are not interested, they will dump it anyhow, then it will be a waste!’

‘I don’t understand why we can not give, since they said they want to fax the form to us on weekday to secure the seat before they pay the fees, which is one or two days after the fax! And the fact that, I don’t simply give them unless they stated that they want to fax in, the least, it shows that they are interested, and it has no harm to give it out. ’ he explained.

For what he thinks, a form is only cost you about 10cents to print, and if the ‘10cent’ can help to secure a prospect, then it creates no harm to bet on it.

The principal replied sternly, ‘NO, you can not give, as I have told you, they will look into our registration form to find our weaknesses!’

‘I don’t understand what is the weaknesses that you are referring to, if you afraid they may copy our registration form, then even if we do not give them, they can just go online to search for other’s registration form format. It is easily available, and why do they have to take the hassle to visit us, just to grab our form!’ he reasoned with her.

She was caught at the middle of the argument, and did not has a supportive reason to explain to him, but to maintain her sternness, and as the principal and owner of the business, she voiced out with slight furious, ‘NO, you must listen to us, we have the experience, I don’t want you to give out the form anymore, We have more than 10 years experience, so you must listen to us’.

‘Ok! As you wish’ he replied.

He thinks to himself, the guard in the guardhouse has more than 20 years experience of being a guard, and should you put him in as your General Manager? You may have the experience as you claim to be, but it must be reasonable and supportive to your action. If you can’t justify your experience, then you are just giving out excuse to cover your hidden intention!

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