Friday, October 28, 2005

Prince: The Child Psycho...

As far as he knows, when a child is going through a rigid family value, (some may call it the typical Asian family) where ‘Disorder Physical Punishment’ (DPP) prevails. Subconsciously, the Child is only given 2 choices, one, which reflects the timidity character where it creates over-reliance to family; second choice, which foster the rebellious culture in a child, where it creates offensive character. A child, will subconsciously, chose either one of the above. That is why; sometime you find a teenager being rebellious, or some which appears to be timid and quiet! How a child behave in a family reflects how he/she was brought up, although he may behave different among their friendship circle but it doesn’t deny the fact that they are being brought up in a typical Asian Family. Their behaviors among their friends and in the society, is the cause from their behaviors at home, while their behaviors at home is the cause from their upbringing under the rigid family. Meanwhile, a good parenting skill, will ultimately lead to more choices in a child’s life, because they act upon their own instinct with proper value being imparted to them. They can discern right and wrong and act flexibility, not being channeled to only one character pathway.

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