Friday, October 28, 2005

Prince: RUles for Mountain Climbers...

There are a few rules which you may need to consider when go jungle-trekking. He has visited the forest a few times, and learned that many rules are to be followed. Jungle Trekker must understand them all before they engage the merciless forest.

First, He learned that before you go jungle-trekking, you must pray for the mountain spirit, regardless of your religion; either you are a catholic, Christianity, Buddhist, Muslim or Taoism. You must say nice words, and must be humble. This is to show your respect to anything up there. If you are cocky enough to believe in yourself, or your own god, then when thing happen, it will be too late to pray for your own god to atone for your cockiness.

Secondly, whenever you come across a statue during jungle-trekking, you must pay your respect. This is to show them that you are sincere, and humble, with mere intention for recreational purposes.

Thirdly, you are not allowed to call another person’s name in the forest, they believe that if they (mountain spirit) know your name, they will play a fool on you. Meanwhile, if the rule is set, then you should not answer to your name up there.

Fourthly, if you encounter strange matter at the start of the jungle trekking, then you should not go further, you should stop right away, perhaps make it some other day. For example, you see a snake in your trail resting, or wild boar rushing in front of you. The old one believes that it is an omen that something may happen; some believe that the good mountain spirit is trying to stop you from engaging danger.

Fifthly, you must remember to bring a knife, matches and compass with you during jungle-trekking. This is to; at least, equip you with some survivor tools when you lost in the forest. Last but not least, you need to be extra careful to your surrounding as well.

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