Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Prince: Simple Gesture creates Happiness...

A couple in loves is a couple wishing and willing to give happiness to each others. They are willing to sacrifice for each other, in so to make him/her happy without losing their own self. The feeling of giving is so strong that you can not resist. You feel like seeing her, and give her the best you could to make sure she is happy. Unhappiness in her will tear you apart, making you feel as a loser in a relationship, where you can’t even give her the most fundamental need in a relationship – Happiness.

Though not anyone can understand the word – Happiness, but the least you must understand that you can not buy happiness, and none other materials can be used as a measurement for happiness. Happiness is about ‘sincere-simple-gesture’, as simple-sincere as an opportunity to see her/him or as ‘simple-sincere’ as whispering in her ear; holding her or hugging her, to protect her from harm.
This simple gesture creates happiness which is not monetarily value. Have you ever think about it then?

Listening to Jackie Chan & Kim - Endless Love (The Myth)

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