Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Prince: Reading...

Picture from The Martin Amis Web
I’ve always wanted some improvement, so I pick up reading; I read all kinds of books except motivational book because I find it unnecessary. Perhaps, I always believe in self-motivation; Perhaps, I always believe that everyone has ‘it’ in them, naturally.

Reading is a good habit, and a nurtured hobby of mine since young, until recently; I hardly have time for it. I was pretty much occupied, and of course, my PhD is still progressing (although it was hang-on for a while due to some ‘technical’ issue with Open University!) especially now that I have got my supervisor appointed, finally!

Sitting in my new apartment alone (my wife travel to Bangkok, and will only return tomorrow night); I manage to do some reading; I read ‘Money & Me’ written in Mandarin by one proclaimed, well-known professor; and I’ve learnt new thing today.

I learnt about DISC, a behavioral model that often use to characterize a leader; we have D stands for Dominance; I for Influencer, S for Steadiness, and lastly, C for compliance.

Dominance leaders tend to see only ‘the end’, which mean very objective oriented, focusing on achievement; while influencer are emotionally driven, and they are gregarious, they are also good in socializing. Steadiness, however, is looking for stability, while Compliance always wants assurance.

Finishing the chapter, and I start to think about myself; where am I, and who am I. Am I a dominance leaders? As a matter of fact, I have the dominance portion in me and a bigger portion of influencer as well; but due to the environment I am in, which could as well oppress my dominance self, leading towards more compliance seeking. I sighed, as much as I know sometimes being dominance is good, yet always lead to adverse effect of my end, and may as well ruin my influencer skill in the process…

Sunday, July 27, 2008

王子: 兵不厭詐

Steven , 兵不厭詐﹐ 這場戰﹐ 我們一定會勝得漂亮...

王子: 知己知彼

Steven 說, 知己知彼﹐百戰百勝﹔ 這場戰﹐ 我們一定會勝得漂亮.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008









王子:一道终身受用的测试题 (fwd)

有三个人正在焦急的等公共汽车。 
我不知道这是不是一个对你性格的测试, 因为每一个回答都有他自己的原因。



是否是因为我们从未想过要放弃我们手中已经拥有的优势(车钥匙)? 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘,和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多。

王子:和尚与屠夫 (fwd)

从前有一个和尚跟一个屠夫是好朋友。和尚天天早上要起来念经,而屠夫天天要起来杀猪。 为了不耽误他们早上的工作,是他们约定早上互相叫对方起床。



Monday, July 21, 2008

Prince: Condom Ad!!!

Prince: Don't penalize Ara Damansara's residents for MPPJ's mistake!

With reference to the write-up in Metro section on, ‘Tunnels get into bad light’ by Debbie Chan and Rouwen Lin on 21 July 2008, and the article on the complaint lodged by Megah Mas residential committee sometimes in May’08 to pursue the closure of the tunnel links between Ara Damansara and Megah Mas / Jalan Tropicana.

I am very disappointed with the complaints lodged by Megas Mas residential committees to close the tunnel as I perceived their action is driven mainly by their personal interest. In the interview, they claimed to be very frustrated with the rudeness of the road users, who do not want to give way when residents trying to reverse their car from their house as the main reason for them to pursue the closure of the tunnels, but, have they ever thought about the consequence of the closure which can cause major inconvenience to thousands or millions of residents in Ara Damansara?

By closing the tunnels, residents in Ara Damansara will have to use the road to Subang Airport and exit at Kelana Jaya Centre Point to cut into LDP, which means a 30 to 45 minutes driving (depending on the traffic) versus currently less than 5 minutes drive to LDP, and 10 minutes drive to One Utama Damansara. Not forgetting that Subang Airport road is highly congested especially at peak hours and the traffic worsen when it floods during raining season.

In this case, the MPPJ should be blamed for building the ‘highway’ without considering the accessibility of the resident for both Megah Mas and Ara Damansara. The highway has cut the landscape into two without an alternative route to cross over except the badly build tunnels that do not meet the general guidelines, and is not well managed; and if they close the tunnels, it means no alternative route is available to cross over to Ara Damansara or Tropicana, and all traffics will be channeled towards Kelana Jana Centre Points to cut into LDP, it may as well create another problem for residents staying around that area, then my next questions, are we going to block the access to Kelana Jaya Centre Point again if the residents lodge another complaint?

The Megah Mas residents, instead, should work with Ara Damansara Residential Committees in their negotiation with MPPJ to resolve the issues, either by opening additional tunnels or build a new one (example: just like what they did for the tunnel in front of Tropicana Golf Club). Blindly pursuing the closure of tunnels will please one party but is not a perfect solution.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Prince: Before the eyes of others...

My career has reached such a situation where I’ve been dwell into a sensitive position myself in the company; knowing myself coming from competitor’s, yet I was overwhelmed by my desire build my ‘baby’ now; knowing any reaction from my previous company can significantly affect the growth of my ‘baby’, yet I can not speak out freely of what may come; but…I think I have found another way around to deal with it, yet maintain my work ethical / professionalism which is to…Tell what you should tell, and no more than that, tell NOT what an ordinary person may see, but a smart person may realize……Anyhow….The marketplace is a Warfield, Sun Tzu said….so…

“I believe, the world now don’t care of where you come from, but more of what you can do…and I believe as long as I show what I can do…through any other means, I can still fly…because I believe I perceive myself at first before the eyes of others, and thus I create the ballgame…”

王子: Love is Acceptance --> 八天與八年

Nice article I received today. The new employee who is so excited about the new job quit after 8 days. He found it boring after few days of working. His supervisor who worked for 8 yrs has some advices for him. The job is like love or relationship.

¡¡è Love someone is to accept the person for who he is and is not

¡¡è To remain in love is to work on the emotional bank for what or/and who u love.

¡¡è Never give up when facing the challenge

¡¡è It's OK to leave if that's the choice

There are many good points in this articles, you can explore what u perceive. Enjoy the reading…



























Prince: The Star (18 July 2008)

I find it rather interesting, thought of sharing with ya...

Friday July 18, 2008

All about ASAP and FYI and FYA


ONE day, a colleague turned to me and asked, “What’s FYI?”

“For your information.”

“What’s FYA?”

“For your action.”

“What’s WRT?”

“With reference to...”

Before the conversation dragged on any further, I quickly looked up a website on acronyms used in business communications and sent it to him via e-mail.

This conversation made me realise that the full meaning of many acronyms and abbreviations may not be immediately apparent for many people – students or working adults alike.

For starters, an acronym is a word created from combining the initial letters of each word. For example, For your action.

An abbreviation is a word shortened from its original form. For example, “Attn.” is an abbreviation of the word “attention” to convey the meaning “for the attention of”.

In general, a full stop is used for abbreviations where the last letter of the word and the abbreviation are not the same. For example, “Co.” (Company) needs a full stop but “Ltd” (Limited) does not. Acronyms do not need punctuation marks.

Below are some frequently used short forms in business communication like e-mails, faxes and letters:

a.k.a. – also known as

On Monday morning, Kay El, a.k.a. The Boss, walked in happily and greeted her assistant, Pee Jay.

approx. – approximately

Checking her e-mail, Pee Jay read, “Today is the boss’s birthday. Can everyone please slip off quietly to the cafeteria in approx. 15 minutes?

ASAP – as soon as possible

Pee Jay opened up her daily planner and scribbled ASAP next to some of the urgent items on her to-do list.

Attn. – for the attention of

Leafing through the stack of mail to be sent out, Pee Jay asked her boss, “To whom should I address the cheque for the annual report?”

Her boss replied, “Just write ‘Attn: Ms. Chris-tine Jalleh’. She’ll know what to do with it.”

Bcc. – blind carbon copy or blind copy to. In this case, the carbon copy is sent to an e-mail recipient whose e-mail address is not visible to the cc or other bcc recipients.

“By the way, I think it’s better if you bcc me in your e-mail to Brown. We wouldn’t want him thinking that I’m supervising you for this project.”

Cc. – carbon copy, or copy to

“But I would like to be cc-ed on the e-mail to Mr Green as I have not yet introduced the both of you to each other.”

c/o – in care of, used when sending a document to A who will receive it on B’s behalf because B is away from the office.

“Boss, I think Christine is back in China this week. Would it be all right if I sent the cheque in care of her assistant? I’ll still write her name on top with c/o Ah Sis Tern below.”

COD – cash on delivery, where a person makes payment for an item purchase after it has been delivered.

“I’m also sending out the cheque for the set of Business English reference books we bought COD on eBay.”

e.g. – exempli gratia (for example)

Pee Jay replied to the e-mail, “Hi everyone. Please remember that the boss doesn’t like surprises, e.g. everyone shouting ‘Surprise!’ in the cafeteria.”

et al. – et alii (and others). Usually used to list co-authors after the lead author in a bibliography, this form is now popularly used to address the other people other than the recipient in e-mails.

She received a new e-mail, which read, “Dear Pee Jay et al., I was reminded that the boss does NOT like surprises ...”

etc. – et cetera (and so on OR and so forth)

This means that we will not be able to collectively surprise her by springing out of the cafeteria doors as we had planned, etc.

exc. – except

“Can everyone, exc. Pee Jay, be at the cafeteria in 5 minutes? We need to figure out a surprise without the surprise element. Thanks!”

FYI – for your information

Her boss’s voice brought the young assistant back to the present, “Pee Jay, I’m forwarding you all these e-mails FYI, okay?”

FYA – for your action

“Note that some of these e-mails are FYA ...”

i.e. – id est (that is)

After acknowledging her supervisor, Pee Jay decided to help her colleagues out and typed, “She’s in a good mood today, i.e. we won a new account and completed a major project.”

K – thousand, e.g. 450K = 450,000

“Just to give you an idea of her mood, it’s a 450K retainer for the first quarter ...”

PA – personal assistant

The immediate reply to Pee Jay’s e-mail read, “Thanks for the info, Pee Jay – you’re the best PA!”

p.a. – per annum (per year)

Pee Jay smiled and responded, “Haha, there is a reason why I’m paid RM65K p.a.”

p.p. - per pro (used when signing a document on someone’s behalf)

Looking back at her paperwork, Pee Jay signed some invoices on her boss’s behalf, inserting p.p. just before her signature.

Pto. – please turn over, used at the end of a page to indicate that there is a continuity to the text.

“By the way, please remember to type Pto. on the first page of the proposal you’re sending. The last time we sent it to him, he forgot to read the subsequent pages,” chimed in Kay El.

viz. – videlicet, namely

She got up and left a note on Pee Jay’s work station before leaving. Scribbled on it was, “Can I pass you my slice of birthday cake after I cut it? I really don’t need a lot of carbo, viz. refined flour, at my age.” The note ended with a wink.

Readers can go to to search for the meanings of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. This online dictionary also allows users to filter their search according to categories like information technology (IT), military and government, business and finance, science and medicine, organisations and schools, and slang and pop culture.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Prince: The game has just begun, my friends...!

I am a man with principle, who also well known for clear mind, and assertive. I took the risk to depart myself from my home ground to a new environment assisting the new troop to attack the opposite. The day I stepped out from the old-city to the new one, I've in fact made up my mind to be ready to serve the new 'rule', and fight the enemy with all my heart. The way I see thing, most likely, cognitively affected as I was trained under the so called "military management style"; during then, we always have to believe the marketplace is a Warfield, yeah, speed is the king, speedy action is a must, and we always have to serve the 'country' where we make myself into, with loyalty, dignity, and wholeheartedly, and In today's term we called 'like my baby' doubt. but the ball game has changed; They started to worry (when I left...), and they should, as they know me well for two years how I work, endlessly, forgotten myself, serving only my objective, my goal; and now that I have my new goal, and I can be sure the enemy are not, this is getting more fun, with new ballgame created ~ the game has just begun...

Prince: Spotted Stealing in Jusco One Utama!

Out of no where, early in the morning, receiving SMS that claimed to have 'big news' from my ex-company; "what's that" I wander, and soon I broke into cynical laughter where everyone set their eyes on me, for a short while, at least, wandering 'who the hell is this guy laughing at!' The message; 'Big news from @@@ company, the Sales GM caught stealing Kotex Pantiliner presenter in Jusco One Utama, and was spotted by the Kotex promoter; the promoter tried to stop 'him' but he kept walking as if he was deaf'; Immediately I SMS and called a few guys to verify the fact, and the fact was re-affirmed, again, somehow; and I text the 'victim' later in the evening on this issue, advising him to be more "careful" in future, as the FMCG industry is very "big" indeed, but small for spreading news; something may happen at 10am, while you can expect everyone in the industry knows it by 11am! that's how fast it is! Anyway, after the call, there and then I realize it was not him (he claimed not him); but it was the marketing manager who was stealing presenter from Jusco One Utama, spotted by the promoter,and during then he was STILL wearing "company ID Tag" (lucky it was not company uniform!...oh..doh...

Prince: "Fitnah"- Remind me of my ex-company

You probably heard anwar constantly claim the word "fitnah" in TV or anywhere you see him; that remind me of my previous company who "did" not do 'fitnah' but "endowed" your reputation a mark of betrayal, and proudly brainwashed all those under them...fortunately, none would believe... Still remember first week of my new work started, soon enough to have someone who I never know quoted me saying to have authority for project approval...that's even ridiculous, my advice is...please understand "me" before your action...I ain't any big shot...I ain't got any authority to approve...don't embarrass yourself...OMG. Many asked me how could that happen, but I guess someone may have tell something or ask something by quoting me as settling in new company; (hinting may have one big business opportunity!); thus using my name even though not even knowing my role in the new company...

Prince: Anwar Vs Shabery

I watched the debate between Anwar vs. Shabery, and I find Anwar debate skill is very good! And the reason given is at least a 'reason' to believe! what the heck is 'Shake-Bery' doing - lah!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Prince: ...

Steven...說如今是快魚吃慢魚的時代了; 我想﹐我手中的牌虽不是好牌﹐但也不壞﹔我能作的﹐就是盡可能將手裡的牌打得精彩!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Prince: The real fighting spirit...

王子: 如今的年代...


王子: 好牌 Vs. 壞牌


王子: 天時﹐ 地利﹐ 人和, 缺一不可...

如中國古人所說的﹐ 天時﹐ 地利﹐ 人和﹐ 缺一不可。也就是說﹐需要正確的人﹐在正確的時間﹐正確的地點做著正確的事情﹐才能夠得到最正確的結果﹗

Saturday, July 05, 2008

王子: 人生就如火箭。。。

實際上﹐火箭只有3% 的時間是在完全朝向月球的軌道上﹐沒有絲毫偏移﹐在其余的97% 的時間裡則一直都在修正﹐才能最終飛底月球。

Life is full of mistakes, and corrections; nothing is absolute, even if it is being pre-planned. only 3% are pre-determined, another 97% is planned but required constantly monitoring and correction in order to achieve objectives...

Friday, July 04, 2008

王子: 別人的嘴巴,自己的道路 (fwd)








嘴巴長在別人嘴上,但自己卻要走屬於自己的道路。 在這個現實的社會裡,即便是遭受旁人無情的冷落、批評、否定,甚至排擠,也不能表示你就必須哀聲歎氣、自怨自悲,唯一能否定你的人,只有你自己!

Prince: American Quest: Romantic Dinner

Prince: American Quest: Hospital

Prince: American Quest: Concert

Prince: American Quest: Brownies

Prince: How to recycle Jusco Plastic Bag! (fwd)

王子: 知道政府為何通過全國683間的郵政公司分行發放回扣現金給人民嗎?




在每10令吉的郵政匯票都必須繳交10仙佣金的情況下,凱里一年就能多賺3750萬令吉。提供最新精彩的时事及新闻动态,介绍您的朋友一起来玩吧!&l S4s.o'T-B


