Monday, October 24, 2005

Prince: MP = BirdBrain...

Sometimes, those MP (Menteri of Parliament) just needs to study more books before they can be one. Those who suggests stopping credit card usage in Petrol Station to control petrol usage, is merely a birdbrain after all. How can this help to control usage? Lets assume if you own a car, and you put RM 50 for 5 days usage with credit card, but without credit card, perhaps, you may put RM 25 which amounted to 2 ½ days, and you still have to go to petrol station! If they are encouraging Malaysian to use other transport, then inflation will arrive pretty soon, due to high living expenses (by right, own transport can be more convenient and saving!). Or the fare may fall due to the fact that many have used the services, but it may not be true if you study economic. As it depends on how service providers perceive the situation. All business is profit minded except non-profit organization. They will certainly increase fare when they know they can not afford to pay for petrol with credit card, as they know they will certainly use public transport. The price will rise to almost equal to the level of personal expenses in petrol which we call equilibrium, then it makes no different to own a transport!

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