Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Prince: Religion - A controversial Topic...

Religion is always a controversial topic, and has always been in paradox, but before we proceed to analyzing religion belief further, prince wonders, did he makes a point on previous article as if you can think rationally? If it is, then there shall not be any argument on the topic, unless you are doing what other is doing then you tend to protect yourself by refuting the statement.

A basic example, religion is encouraging human being to become a monk or a nun, as it can clear your sin, but if every man and woman are to become monk, then what about the next generation? And who will take care of your parents? What is the rationale behind?

Rich people, who has done a lot of sin, donating hundred of thousand to temple. They build a gold statue for the god, and they invest as much money as they could by believing that it can clear their sin. What is the rationale behind, where one side donating money, the other side committing sin? Can prince kill you, and donate one thousand to temple aftermath?

African children are starving to dead! And yet, our religion tells us can not eat beef, certain vegetables, and some even worse, asking us to become a vegetarian for the whole life! What is the rationale behind? It is like somebody tells you not to eat chicken, but can human being supplies food to those chickens? Because if all human being can not eat chicken, then the number of chicken will grow excessively to a point where it causes harm to human being. Same example, if the number of cow increasing in number, and all the grass have been eaten, then your vegetable farm will be ruined by them. Human being will fight with animal for food.

Those Chinese exorcists, possessed by the so called god, have inflicted so many criminal cases, including raping and robbery, and yet, so many human beings still falls for it, why? What is the rationale behind?

The above is just some point for you all to think, but must be rational enough to know all this……

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