Thursday, December 01, 2005

Prince: Changing Destiny...

He used to read a book about ‘Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, named of the book is ‘Changing Destiny’. Though it was about Buddhist teaching but seems to be teaching human about life. It teaches human how to change their destiny, more like, ‘your destiny is in your own hand’.

Changing destiny is about learning to create destiny, you need to know what you want in life and move toward your dream. However, you must also understand that there are sacrifices to make. Human is a vulnerable creature, and easily swayed by the surrounding, and sometimes, they step into the wrong path for the sake of attaining their personal goal. This may not be acceptable at the side of moral and ethical value.

There are these principles of changing destiny. The book teaches, in order to change your destiny, you must be able to acknowledge your fault, and then to reform your fault so as to surpass your own destiny. Acknowledging personal fault is a great challenge because it is difficult for human to admit own fault, egoism always comes in to prevent human from admitting.

There are ways to reform as stated in the book; firstly, Human must embrace a shameful heart, only then human can realize their own fault. Secondly, it is a fearful heart that keeps you from making mistake, and last but not least, a determined and courageous heart that keep you in the right track.

There are a few methods of practice in reforming; Human can change through behavior, which will reflect your life. Meanwhile, human can also change through reasoning, as well as changing from the bottom of your heart.

Human must also understand that arrogance invites adversity while Humility gains benefits; Humility and Modesty are the foundation for good Fortune.

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