Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Prince:Character, Attitude...all contagious...

Today, Prince was laughed by his CEO that he has been through so many relationships before, and can be a counselor in love and relationship. However, prince doesn’t think that way though, what prince has learned are the rationality in relationship, and apply a rational judgment on how to maintain a good relationship.

Prince’s seriousness in relationship can help in his career tremendously. He believes that a person’s attitude in certain field will have a contagious effect, for example, if you treat people honestly, and this good value can help to carry yours, other daily routine.

It is about morality & ethical, for example, if you are committed in a relationship, you tend to commit to your work as well, and eventually, your family. The value that one person carries, will have a contagious effect, which subconsciously, applies in another facet of your life.

If you are a person who cans only ‘talk but no action’, then your execution skill will certainly range at a lower rate. In relationship, or in work, your responsibility, dignity and integrity will be affected as well. It is not only in one part of your life, but overall, it carries down and infected other molecules. A person, who tends to lie to friend, will tend to cheat company as well. A person who avoids responsibility in relationship will tend to avoid responsibility in work too.

Eventually, it drilled down to the balancing effect in life, for an iron woman, who spend most of her time in work, although, she may have been very responsible and committed to her work, but she has the higher possibility of neglecting her family, or sacrifice most of her family time. A perfect human being must be able to balance their life, equally share their time among other molecules of their life.

However, there is a person who has a huge achievement in career, but lousy husband or a lousy manager but a lovely husband or wife. These types of people, most possibly affect by the artificial value in character, whereby, they are intentionally or unintentionally covered by their artificial value, which always opposite of what they perceived they are. Faking is one of the major concerns in the society now, this type of people live with only artificial moral and ethical value. They do not realize that they are carrying a double-sided value in life. Thus, to avoid falling into the artificial of one-self, self-realization becomes important to maintain oneself in the same pathway.

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