Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Prince: Habit or Love?

The transformation of habit into love is the norm in most youngster relationship, where, they are confused about what the feeling of love and feeling of ‘live with’. When they allow the habit to become part of their living routine, it sooner or later confused them with the real feeling.

Usually, a couple starts from plain lunch and dinner, and usual hang-out drink or movie. The frequency is increasing, getting frequent to a point where they thought feeling has been developed, which in fact, may be too soon sometime. It could be a feeling of living with.

The fact that talking in the phone everyday with the similar person, has helped to establish the bond that is difficult to break. While the bond gives you the feeling of living with it. It helps to develop the feeling of anxious when one does not call, or one stops the frequent hang-out. Under this circumstances, anxiety become a misleading ‘missing’, where, they thought they ‘miss’ the person, which in fact not the true case.

He may be wrong in defining this, but sometime it may be a true feeling, which in fact created by the habit. Who knows, it is just on top of his mind when he does his observation.

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