Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Prince: Human Tendency!

Generally, human being has the tendency to use other framework to cover heir psychological flaw in life, to avoid being despised. He still remember previously when he failed his exam, he tends to blame it on other factors without looking back on himself, of what he has done wrong in the process.

This is the greatest flaw of human being. Children tend to exert this tendency, and it tends to lingered into their adulthood. For example, you feel lazy to attend school classes, but to avoid being blame for laziness and reprimand, you pretend your sickness.

You may feel getting rid of some friends, and then you tend to use family as an excuse, ‘my dad doesn’t allow me to go out’, and so on. When you don’t like to eat vegetable, you tend to blame the vegetable poisonous. When you don’t like to drink, you blame alcohol to cause serious consequences.

You can control but why can’t you, he has a chat with a friend of him today, talking about alcohol. Somehow, his friend excuses himself by saying alcohol causes serious bad consequences such as beating, fighting, and so far and so on.

The fact is so many people are drinking in the society now, but it doesn’t show that everyone has the tendency to react badly. It is somehow, reflects to the personality of the particular person. No matter how drunk you can be, you state of mind is always sober, but human being tends to take advantage of the physical substance to release their inner feeling, thus, leading to serious bad consequences. Just like drug, which is for use of medical purposes, but people misuse it. Anyhow, it is just a thought of mind.

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