Thursday, December 01, 2005

Prince: 'What if"...

Reading Angela blog about Negative thinking has given him some thought about it. Sometimes Negativity really leads us into the negative path. ‘What if’ is good sometimes, just for the sake of contingency plan, and situation analysis, but not superstitious and negativity influenced. ‘What if’ you fail? This is a question which leads you to pre-planned solution but sometimes human being tends to take advantage of ‘What if’ to prevent something good from happening.

It also affects your personality and the way you behave in the social circle. For example, if you keep asking yourself ‘what if’ when ever it comes to telling the truth, it will eventually stop you from telling the truth. ‘What if I told my parent that I had a date last night?’; then it will lead to another question, ‘What will happen then?’ ; and it then drilled back to ‘What if’ again by asking ‘What if they banned me from dating?’ ‘What if they scold me?’

All these questions will lead you nowhere and it will cover your sight for solution. Drilling into the question will not enable you to find solution; instead you are hindered from the truth itself. All you need to know is just to speak the truth, and that’s the solution, the process of it, perhaps, may be indirectly or directly but it doesn’t matter.

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