Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Prince: SChool ReopeN...

He almost forgets today is the kindergarten re-open, the moment he arrived at his office, he can hear children yelling, crying, shouting, and running around in the campus, while, parents are busy at entertaining their children’s mischievousness and howling!

The first two days in school is going to be a ‘parents-children day’ whereby, parents are allowed to sit in the class with their children, but later on, they will be banned from coming into the class even tough their child started to cry weep!

Sometimes, on behalf of the school management, they have to be strict in enforcement so as to allow the children to adapt to the environment without parental help, most importantly, they must learn to be independent, before they start to learn inter-dependent.

However, it was quite frustrated to see some parents, at the end of the day, still like to cling to their own children or to allow their children to cling to them even after the second days in school. And, they will make a fuss over when they were disallowed from coming into the class. Well, when will they learn… 


buzybee said...

hmn... r u working in a kindergarten? ;)

Dr.Prince (王子- 陳琮祐) said...

Yes, i am working in kindergarten..=) dealing with 350 children every day, i work as PR & Marketing cum Parent Liaison Officer...=)