Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Prince: Things Not to Do...

Very often, when a couple breaks up in a relationship, they tend to give option to each other for example, to become friend, as one of it. However, there are a few things where an Ex girlfriend or an Ex boy friend should not do to spark off the dubious feeling of love again.

Putting a picture of you previous partner in a place significant for other to see- this happen when your Ex place your picture in a place such as in office, room (if it is accessible to anyone), car or PC desktop. It inevitably creates suspicion as if he/she still has a heart on you. The impact will linger on to your current relationship if your current partner does not know the flows of the whole situation.

Wearing items your Ex has given you when going out with your ex It makes your Ex thought that you still have heart for him/her, and that, there is a possibility of getting together. Worse still, he may just play a fool on you, by treating you as a spare type on his chess board. This is when he/she tries to take advantage of the situation.

Frequently mention his/her name in front of your friends or your current partner it may be hard for you to get over it and even though you may have thought you have get over it, but frequently mention about the name of your Ex, or relating your hatred toward your Ex to others, is basically shows that you have not get over it. You are confused.

Uncontrollable habit- Every human being tends to exert certain habit, due to over doing it in a relationship. For example, calling your love one with an intimate nick will eventually become your habit in your next relationship, or small gesture like patting on your head, touching on your nose, may become a habit that are difficult to control. Your ex may be doing it over and over again when he/she is with you as a friend. It will in turn create discomfort, and confuse your position in the circle.

Way to deal with it…. You think about it. 

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