Sunday, January 28, 2007

Prince: The Problem..

It has always been pleasure to hang out with friends, and shares some personal encounters, and consoling, and giving pieces of advises to each others’ problem. Nothing is better than sharing because we all believe ‘sharing is loving’; that has kept us all together for so long.

Our friends gathered in Old Town after few days apart, perhaps thing has been quite rough for him, and hence we all sat down for him. A moment of sharing, a moment of confusion I had, his concerns may have disoriented my thought; one moment trying hard to give piece of good advice, another moment of doubt came in. I soon realize I am out of ideas to help resolve the question mark by him.

I took time referring back to my note, and re-arranging my thought to provide a better sharing. I finally come to a conclusion of what I should say. A relationship is about commitment, love, faith, evolutional, education, give & take, passionate & patience – all you can name, and these are truth.

There will be a struggling period in any relationship, and that particular time require passion & patience; there are also period of doubt in relationship, and that require faith; there are also period of being apart from each other, and that require loyalty & commitment; different progress require different kind of attitude looking at the circumstance. There are also period which synergies hard to see, and then it requires education, and understanding.

It is important to understand the expectation laid on each other by partners to avoid conflict & communication break down. Often, couple prefers to avoid conflict rather than facing it, for example, bored going out with boyfriend due to his indifferent attitude or pettish, she might prefer to avoid it rather than talk-it out face to face, perhaps, she assume you are receptive enough to such openness? Another reason perhaps, face to face may be the last resort for her.

You may need to seek 3rd party help, who may be her best friend to find out what she wants; play with guess before you encounter her, change your attitude if you realize your drawback earlier, or other wise wait for the change may ruin your relationship as time goes by. Many have asked how to change is consider change. That depends on individual thought, and expectation to be. It is always hard to pen down due to its capricious behavior under different circumstance.

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