Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Prince: Charity begins at home...

For some people, having a family is a burden, while for some people, having children is a burden. Somehow this is merely an excuse to avoid holding any extra responsibility. For some people, setting up a family means settling down, but for prince, setting up a family is just a beginning of his real life. The old one always said, Charity begins at home, somehow, they do not explain it quite clearly to others who absorb the knowledge. Everything must have a starting point, and family is certainly where you should start. For people who are aging but still working for money, who neglecting another part of his life-setting up a family, tend to lead a solitary life, and this has led to imbalance of life as well. Somehow, they can also achieve this far if they are willing to spend some time thinking of it. Imbalance of life, can affect human in many different ways, but the most significant one, is on their behavior, which simultaneously affect their life styles and habit. If you try to spend time observing, you will notice the different…………

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