Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Prince: Reality still needs Contigency...

The reality about management and the practical implementation are hardly in line. Very often, management talked about their expansion plan but forget to draft the contingency plan that allowed them to look into the problem that may occur. When you are too indulge in expressing your view, you may have forgone that many others to have a different perception on what you have to say, because they are able to look at the wider picture, and may have doubt about what you got to say.

Of course, nothing is impossible; solving a problem is every human being’s instinct. However, if they are not psychologically prepared for problem due to their indulgence in their own plan, it can cause serious problem then you have ever thought of.

You may talk about how much you want to do, but if you forgone the fundamental problem that may arise in implementing your thought, then you can be easily given up in the process, or it may halt your plan from branching.

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