Monday, September 26, 2005

Prince: Heaven, Earth & Hell...

This is another good example of Heaven, Earth and Hell. Prince remembers he used to quote that example, but now, it is going to be in use again in one relationship problem. For those out there who is having problem with boyfriend or girl friends, at which your beloved one is not the true love of your, that fulfill your expectation, and which tormenting your life.

Prince has mentioned before that each human being is born with choices, and weighing the choices before decision is made, is equally vital to determine where you will be heading in your life.

A human originated from earth, he eats, sleeps, and grew up in this land called Earth. One day, he looked up the sky, called heaven, and on top of his mind, he wanted to visit heaven. He went up, and found heaven to be a paradise. He wished to stay but was rejected. He was then sent back to earth.

During the moment of disappointment, he looked down while he walked, and found a land below the land of earth, called Hell. Someone told him that hell was not a good place to hang around with; it was full of dirtiness, and the opposite of heaven. However, He still thought he had found another replacement for heaven, which was as good as heaven, thus, he went down for a visit. He soon realized that hell was not what he was looking for, and that his realization took him year to come real.

He came back to Earth again, but nightmare was just begun, because he returned to the Earth- the land of purity, with hell.

The conclusion is, sometimes, it is better for you to stay wherever you are. You know that you can’t find heaven yet, and you also know hell is what it means by ‘hell’. Then you should have rather stayed on Earth, than going to hell-the world of torture and miserable.

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