Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Prince: Still need trust in management...

Prince has a presentation today, about one of a minor project he involved. His CEO said he was too conservative in drafting the proposal. At least, prince feels that he obtains the trust from the management when the word ‘go ahead’ was voiced.

Prince has doubt about the trust that being laid on him by the management, because in many occasion, management has indirectly related prince as less of trust. The recent occasion, when prince was told to show lack of nationalism in company, the situation put company as country which indirectly assumed prince to be in such behavior.

For so many months working in the company, prince has built their trust slowly, but unfortunately, it is not enough. Simply, prince’s outlook may be the major hindrance to him. He may need to re-look into his own character now (Perhaps). However, prince still feels careless about it, because he believes only in his own self, and he knows, he is committed to company.

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