Saturday, September 24, 2005

Prince:Laziness and Excuses...

Laziness is part of human life, so does human want to deny the fact that they are lazy. Similarly, excuses are part of human life, so does human want to deny the fact that they are giving excuses. Prince used to think that he pays too much attention at work that he does not have time for relationship until a few years ago, he learned. He realized that he is giving excuse for laziness, because he spent time for work as usual for his dream, and too tired to spend time for others, and he used to take for granted. In fact, if he is willing to sacrifice his leisure of relaxing for relationship, it will make his life better earlier. Human being, who claims to have no time for fitness, is also giving an excuse to cover their laziness. Human being, who claims to have no time for study, is also a way to cover their failure. Prince used to think that he has no time for study previously, but recall back, he is just too lazy to spend his night on book! Luckily, prince realizes his mistake earlier and goes on with his Master study. Sometimes, human being just needs some education to construct their thought, so that they can think properly, and laziness will not bring you anyway, because if you want to go an extra mile in comparison to others, laziness shall not be in your dictionary.

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