Sunday, September 18, 2005

Prince: Children...The psychology aspects..

Do you believe that children can feel what you feel? And children, certainly, can discern good and bad, only if they are properly taught about discernment. When you look into the eye of baby, you see love, innocence and passion. But when you look into their eye again at the age of 3, 4, 5 or 6, you tend to see expectation, curiosity, and mischief. These are those characteristic that may take too much of their attention sometimes. Somehow, it is alright when your child hardly answer your call at home, because they may be born with different type of character, which you should not feel irritated or annoyed nor disappointed. As you should know by now; that every children need nurturing and to go through the learning process. All those characteristics at different age, needs reinforcement to overturn it from negative to positive, and your patient and passion are two important elements to ward a successful nurturing.

Also, when children likes to beat others children, it is because they feel insecure, and if you scolded them, beat them as punishment, you tend to worsen the matter. Since they have felt insecure, and your punishment will make them feel even insecure with your existence. When you look deep into the psychology of a child, you may also notice that they are very sensitive, children are smart human being, they can play with one ear, and the other ear listening to what the surrounding has to tell them. Apparently, this is how they learn and adapt to the environment.

Why children do not like to be hugged by stranger, or sometimes, even own relative, grandparents. Perhaps due to the familiarity or a better word to describe as the bond they have built with their own parents, and that, the children do not want the lose tie of the bond? No, it is not true, it is also not a matter of children are born with introvert character or extrovert character, but more than half of the children just vulnerable to posses the ability to feel what the adult feel, and read the adult mind.

A child has the ability to discern other human being, when you walk near them, they will look at you, once you make your move to hug them, and they will cry and refrain. They notice and read every one of your movement, even though they might be playing with apparatus!

Every child has their own comfort zone, and when you walk into their border, you must not bring your emotion along with you at that time, because the feeling you have internally, will bring a signal of insecure to them. You must be neutral, or otherwise, the least, feel positively, without over-reacting, aggressive movement or excessive expression. All these will spook the child, and you will have a tough time with them when you breach their security zone.

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