Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Beauty and The Beast...!

Sometime back, I watched ‘Beauty and the Beast’ with a friend of mine. It led to the argument of whether this situation could happen in real life! Although it might seem unlikely, there are always special cases to take into consideration. There are occasions when we come across good-looking people with not-so-good-looking ones or the rich with the poor (it happens sometimes, and probably even more so in movies). Anyway, we believe that God put in equal time into creating each of us don’t we? But that he gave us all different physical attributes and capabilities. Even though we tend to strive for perfection, we often realize it is impossible in the true sense of the word. My friend argued that he saw a gorgeous lady with sweet personality but married to someone not attractive at all. I told him my personal view on this matter and that is, sometimes beautiful girls don’t trust good-looking guys because they believe good-looking guys are never loyal. Good-looking girls may also have the similar perception of guys. Of course, this leads to the inevitable question of how one defines nice, sweet or gorgeous. The definitions are relative depending on the characteristics that one is looking for in another.

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