Thursday, December 09, 2004

Power Struggling ar....

In the past, human beings seldom or never married for love. Those who marry for love was considered foolish, because everyone knew love did not last. Thus, power struggles did not exist from the past. Similarly, history shows that romantic relationships never lead to marriage. And, usually, marriages were pre-arranged to keep wealth secure within the clans.

All relationship passed through three stages; the romantic love stage, the power struggling stage and ultimately the real love stage. Most couples never get through the power struggle stage. Many have wondered if power struggling is good. However, you realize that power struggling is one of the stages in relationships that need to exist in order to find true love. Many couples do not survive the stages and break up.

The attraction of romance bonds the partners together. Both parties are afraid of being rejected or being abandoned by the other. Thus, power struggling comes into play. Power struggles will appear in every committed relationship. It is your choice to leave your relationship or cope with it so that you can overcome it. ...

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