Saturday, December 25, 2004

Why PRINCE........

My colleague asked, “Why do you use Prince as your nick?”
That question surprises me, and I start to ponder, with much contemplation, I believe it fits me well, perhaps, my character and the way I see things around me.

Prince means that I am dreaming that I am a prince; ultimately, the name suggests that I need to feel important and needed. To be felt important and needed, I have to strive harder in my career, in term of my qualification and so on, and to grab every opportunity that I have, to learn and enhance my knowledge! A prince means someone with Wisdom, active and well-versed in many areas.

I may be admiring yourself and my accomplishments, though; I may not have much now. But, I will try to achieve as much as possible, in doing so, I will never regret living my life.

When people see a prince in their dream means honor and recognition will be bestowed upon them. And, the honor and recognition are what I am chasing after. Alternatively, it also indicates I wish for romance and being the Prince Charming, at which, I believe I was born WITHOUT it…, that is tough to change unless…

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