Monday, February 07, 2005


I was driving back to my hometown and passed through Ipoh toll, but the counter was closed (apparently when I passed by), so I didn’t manage to take the transit ticket. I thought it was free then, until I stopped by Sunagi Perak to re-fuel my car.

Out of curiosity I asked an old man in the station, if it is free (I would really like to thank PLUS for his generosity!). To my surprise, the answer wasn’t what I expected, “Where got? You need to take the transit ticket!” he said.

“I don’t know, the counter was closed, and there is no barricade, so I just drove through, following the lorry in front of me!” I explained.

“They will fine you for the lost of ticket, I would suggest you to exit at Kuala Kangsar because it is nearer, and the fine will be lesser”, he said.

Without further a do, I sped up and exited at the Kuala Kangsar. I told the counter stand-over everything that I knew of, and she was puzzled and asked, “Why didn’t they give you the ticket, you can not drive through, how can you do that?” Basically, I remembered she repeated “How can you do that, and why they didn’t give you” for four times!

Come on you are not here to interrogate me alright, just tell me what to do and get the hell over it! It was already one o’clock in the morning! Quickly, I stopped her for asking me further, and asked if anything I can do now.

She pondered for a while, and asked for my plate number, then said, “RM 3.50, please.”

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