Thursday, January 20, 2005


I must say, I really enjoy myself tonight; it has been quite sometimes of laying back. My colleague, Sim asked me out to Thai Club, (initially, they said Cowboy Club, and I was like “huh”, I have never hear about the name around the areas, and eventually, I found out that it is actually Thai Club! Man!) I reluctantly turn it down, I fell in a dilemma where, at the same time feeling tired, but also wish to join them.

I went shopping in Sungai Wang, it was around 9 pm, I gave him a call, asking if he would like to hang around before going out clubbing, he said he is on his way out. Well, I ponder for a while, since I am already in Sungai Wang, What the hell, why don’t just join them, and OK! I ask him to pick me up then. I wait for almost an hour, and usually, if I were given much time to think, I would really change my mind in last minute, so much I want to call him and say, “hey, bro, I think I am pulling out”. But at last, I didn’t.

We went to Thai Club, and I have the pleasure to meet Cat and Vivian, Both of them are friends of my colleague, Lilian. I must say, I always have fun going out with Sim (you are the man!) Perhaps, I consider myself as too old and feeling great to be able to join someone who feel so young! (Well, I admit, I feel damn OLD, and trying to be young)

Meanwhile, Thai Club as usual, had always been crowded after 12 pm, and yet, they still ushering those late comers up. We barely have our own space to dance, and eventually, we planed to move out. We went for second round; Vivian brought us up to “Cream” in Renaissance Hotel nearby. We continued to enjoy ourselves over there, and tell you what, I like that place, “Cream” appeared to be quite new, I believe, and it is clean probably due to the fantastic design and ambience! We dance our way till late at night and went back around 4pm. It was tiring but enjoying, and Vivian was drunk, Sim and Logas were drunk too. But they insisted that they are not DRUNK! (Come on, they are really drunk to claim not DRUNK!) Anyhow, they safely arrived home at least, I wasn’t drunk that night and, unbelievable, I realize that I can drink! But, I had to accept the brutal fact that I had a terrible headache and I can’t even sleep well that night. I wake up in the morning and vomit before I continue dreaming!

A few funny things happen that night, I was driving Vivian’s car and sent her back (Cat was in the car, planning to stay over with Vivian), Sim was at the back following me so that I can hop into his car later. I was worried that I might speed to fast, and reminded Cat to look over me, to remind me if I speed up.

I did my part though, because I kept asking her if I was speeding too fast, I didn’t really look at the meter though, and Cat was like “no, you are not speeding”. Who knows Sim can not catch up with me, and what’s worse is that, Cat was drunk by that time (yeah, we only realize that when we met up the next day). I gave Cat my blazer because I am worried she might catch flu later, as she appeared to be cold. And upon arriving, my blazer was passed on the Vivian. I think Vivian had a short term memory lost after drinking. I took the courtesy to SMS her in the morning, and she replied “Are you Steven?” she asked because she saw my blazer had my name on it, and she don’t even realize that I am Steven. I do not know that she is so drunk! Anyway, that night, I was having a terrible headache that I don’t even realize until I jump into Sim’s car. And, they though I am drunk!

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