Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I always believe in adopting a healthy lifestyle, though, I smoke sometimes for certain reason (entertainment) (I do whatever people do, as long as it is not illegal! I call this adaptive). Talking about cigarette, I do not condemn smoker but to advise them to smoke less. As for me, I have insisted myself to give it up two months ago, and yes, I did, but occasionally, I still smoke as in “occasionally”.

Sometimes, I just can not stop smoking totally, not because of the “virus” in me, but of other people, half of my friends smoking, although, I seldom hang around with them, but whenever we go out clubbing or hang around in Star buck, I have to make myself smoke again. Certainly, Not because I afraid of being their laughter, but I do not want them to feel bad, What would you feel if you are doing something that your friends do not like or not enjoying to do so! If you care about your friends very much, you will probably give it out. However, it is very difficult from my part to expect so; I rather join them since I do not do it all the time. And certainly, they will ask me out again in future, because they
feel my existence in their group.

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