Thursday, January 20, 2005


I am skeptical about relationship now and then, and I keep telling girl that I am not what they are looking, and that I am not a dream guy. What happen to me? I wonder, I have never been so lame. I still remember my first love during my secondary school. I was advice and encouraged going after whatever that I feel right and LIKE. And from there, I brushed up my confidence, after seven different relationships with girls at a different time (need to make it clear!) (and yes, since form one, till three and half years ago), I started to feel tired of relationship, some of my pals even picking on me as becoming gays, just to force me going! Well, I don’t know what has happen to me, I am just afraid of losing out, and I don’t mind if you want to call me pussy or what so ever, but I am really tired of all that, perhaps, I need some more time to get myself back to the rail!

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