Sunday, January 02, 2005

A little DIFFerent...

A little different today in Jaya Jusco Starbuck, though, without wire5 connection here, it does create some different, because I can’t do my internet surfing as usual!

I am here again, to meet up with another internet friend, who happens to be a Gemini! I wonder sometimes, why am I am obsessed with Gemini; probably I am a Gemini who wishes to meet someone that share the similar interest as I do!

However, the brutal fact does reveal that Gemini sometimes does not share the similar nature, but, there’s the least similarity, is that they tend to be very friendly. I find Gemini as I do, appear to be amiable!

I never believe in horoscope, since, nether statistical observation nor proven record to relate the accuracy of horoscope in our daily life!

But, I do believe that the ubiquitous of Horoscope, and the prevalent and domination of Horoscope belief seems to be part of our life now, thus, it is harmless to read a little of two about Horoscope, as the enlightenment in our life.

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