Saturday, January 01, 2005

Like or LOVE....

I wonder why couple usually confuse between “loves” and “Like”, if you believe love is a black magic, then you should be more careful next time before you click with anyone you like, instead, you should choose those you really love, not like! If you do not believe in black magic, then it is time for you to believe in it! You can like anything but you can not love more than a thing because love is supposed to be very passionate and aesthetic.

Very often, we tend to be carried away by our emotion at the moment, and make a wrong decision, and later we tend to confuse if we love him/her. What is worse, when you tend to regret breaking up with your previous boyfriend / girlfriend!

This has been a norm in urban relationship, though, we can not figure out why is it happening here and then, without any solution to the problem. Is love a black magic? And, you tend to regret after you wake-up / being released from the black magic? Lastly, is it too late for couple to say no? The thought goes on……

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